Voting Management System in C++ using File Handling

Download Voting Management System in C++ using File Handling.

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  • Aurangzeb khan June 5, 2022

    Hope you are doing well. I am facing this problem in your project “Voting Management System in C++ using File Handling”.


    Enter Your Name : Aurangzeb
    Enter Your ID : 1630443

    Invalid ID or it has already been used :
    but I did not use this ID before: Please tell me the solution.

    • admin June 14, 2022

      Hi, In the Project folder, there is a txt file name Id’s. It has list of ids that can be used with this project. If any id except those is added, you will get this msg “invalid ID”. and If you enter an ID from those you can’t use the same ID again.

      • arham January 24, 2023

        hi sir,, can i get the code

  • Tim Horton November 28, 2022

    I need to see your code since I am having trouble with this assignment.
    Write an EVOTE system that has a file with a list of valid voter IDs, and a record of whether they voted or not yet.
    You should have the following data files:
    VotedIDno.txt created BEFORE election and updated during election.
    Tally.txt created and updated during run. Holds vote tally for all candidates.
    AuditTrail.txt created and updated during run (ios::app) holds a record of EVERY input entered into the voting system.

    VoterIDno.txt should be read into a data structure for use during the election run.

    When asking for a voter ID number, code 12345 gets you to an admin menu like this:
    Admin Menu
    1) Show current Vote Tally
    2) Show list of all voter records (ID’s and whether they voted or not)
    3) Show audit trail that records everything entered in this system
    4) End election and report results
    Sample Run:
    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ? 45628
    YOU VOTED ALREADY! No fraud allowed here!
    Have a nice day.

    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ? 99876
    99876 is not a valid ID in this district! Go to your own voting district where ever that is!
    Have a nice day.

    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ? 52189
    1) Kathy Hochul
    2) Lee Zeldin
    3) Mickey Mouse
    Your choice? 3
    Thank you for your vote!!

    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ?

  • Tim Horton November 28, 2022

    Write an EVOTE system that has a file with a list of valid voter IDs, and a record of whether they voted or not yet.
    You should have the following data files:
    VotedIDno.txt created BEFORE election and updated during election.
    Tally.txt created and updated during run. Holds vote tally for all candidates.
    AuditTrail.txt created and updated during run (ios::app) holds a record of EVERY input entered into the voting system.

    VoterIDno.txt should be read into a data structure for use during the election run.

    When asking for a voter ID number, code 12345 gets you to an admin menu like this:
    Admin Menu
    1) Show current Vote Tally
    2) Show list of all voter records (ID’s and whether they voted or not)
    3) Show audit trail that records everything entered in this system
    4) End election and report results
    Sample Run:
    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ? 45628
    YOU VOTED ALREADY! No fraud allowed here!
    Have a nice day.

    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ? 99876
    99876 is not a valid ID in this district! Go to your own voting district where ever that is!
    Have a nice day.

    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ? 52189
    1) Kathy Hochul
    2) Lee Zeldin
    3) Mickey Mouse
    Your choice? 3
    Thank you for your vote!!

    Welcome to the Kingsborough CS EVOTE System
    Voter ID ?

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